Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Ballot Is In!

I sent this letter out yesterday, talking about the Peace Property I mentioned a few posts ago.

Well, I received a phone call today with the Mennonite Conference’s response. In the board’s confusing lingo, this is what they said: “The board was energized by your proposal and saw great promise in it. At the board meeting July 10, 2010 the PNMC board decided to focus on your proposal in moving forward…” In summary, the Mennonites have accepted our proposal! Yea!

As stated in the proposal, the property, for the present, will still be owned by the Mennonite Conference until we are able to purchase it. What the PNMC has decided is that they would set up a “task force” group to assist us in establishing the management and in making this proposal become reality. I am very enthusiastic about this because it means that I don’t have to do all the “heavy lifting” myself. I’ll have experienced and sympathetic persons helping us establish the property as a base for peace and ministry in East Multnomah County.

They have also told us that Bethel may meet on Sunday mornings beginning in August and at the same time Anawim may begin opening up a day shelter two more days a week. Other parts of the proposal—the peace center, the community options and the winter shelter—will follow along in a timely fashion.

For those of you who have offered finances to assist us—thank you! You, along with all those who sent letters, were essential in making the vision seem realistic. If you made a financial pledge, we ask that you begin sending in that money beginning in August, and then each month after that, in accord with your pledge.

And if there are individuals or congregations who have been considering assisting us financially, we could still use your help! Whether a one time gift or monthly support, we could use whatever help you can offer to assist us in maintaining the property as well as paying for the property as a whole.

Also, in order to open up more times as a day shelter, we will need more volunteers, so any local folks who would like to help us out with that, please let us know!

There’s a lot of details yet to work out, and I will be sending more updates as necessary. This is only the first step completed in a long process!

Thank you all for your prayers and support! This was very much a team effort and every single prayer was necessary! Thank You Father for Your grace toward the poor and the immigrants, the hungry and the homeless, the beaten and the faint of heart! May we use Your gifts with faithfulness!

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