The homeless are both the
bane and pity of our society. They stand
out as the lowest, the outcast, those who perpetually don’t fit in. In 2005 there were 744,000 homeless people in
the United States ,
yet not all of these people are homeless today.
James was living on the streets of Gresham .
He was an alcoholic, a violent man and a thief. But one day, in jail, he had a vision of
Jesus, praying for him, calling to him.
He knew he had to change, to live differently, but he didn’t know
how. He approached the pastor who ran a
meal and a worship service he attended once a week, and the pastor prayed for
him and gave him counsel. He cut back on
his drinking and stopped stealing, but he still had difficulty making the rest
of the changes he needed to make. And no
one would hire him because he looked like a bum.
How are we supposed to react to the homeless?
Many of us look at the
homeless in disgust, knowing that if they would just shake their addiction and
apply themselves they could get a job and get back on their feet. Others of us look at the homeless and feel
sorrow and sympathy wanting to help, but only able to throw a dollar their
But as believers in Jesus Christ, how are we supposed to
react? Many believers think that if the
homeless would just commit themselves to Jesus, then their lives would get
straightened out and they could be normal participants in society. What many Christians don’t know is that at
least a third of those who live on the street already have committed themselves
to Jesus and are doing their best to live a Christian life. Yes, some are addicts, but not all. Many are mentally ill, but we cannot blame
homelessness exclusively on mental illness, either.
How does Scripture tell us to react to these poor and
outcast of society?
- We are to show respect to the poor. James 2
- We are to respond in love and compassion to
everyone in need. Luke 10
- We are to offer help, especially to
believers. Galatians 6:10
- We are to offer hospitality, clothing, shelter
and food. Matthew 25:31-46
- We are to offer fellowship and peace. Romans 12
Most of all, according to
Scripture, we are to love. This doesn’t
always mean giving money or food, although we shouldn’t be closed to that. But it does always mean being patient, being
kind, not putting ourselves over the other person, but bearing other’s burdens
and enduring with them. I Corinthians 13

A New Paradigm
As the people of Jesus who
reached out to the outcast, we are not to stand at a distance from the
homeless. We must not separate ourselves
from the lowest in society—whoever they are.
Can we continue our practice of throwing evangelistic messages and food
out our door to the cold and grief-stricken, while we stay warm, comforted and
well-fed in our buildings? Some of these
outcast we need to embrace as brothers and sisters, and others we need to
embrace as the poor who need our help.
As the people of the Book which teaches compassion, we must stand with
those on the street.
But how are we to do this? Thousands of homeless are just too much for
any church to bear, let alone the small percentage of the church that are
stirred by the Spirit to assist the homeless.
But the Lord has not called us to help the massive crowd, only those we
know. To assist the homeless is not a
matter of a huge ministry with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Rather it is a one-on-one ministry.
James took Bill to his street church and Bill’s eyes
were opened. There were maybe a hundred
homeless in Gresham ,
and many of them were believers who worshipped the Lord in their own worship
service. Bill then made a decision—James
was a fellow believer and needed his help.
He offered James some landscaping work, which James readily accepted. When the freezing winds kicked up one night,
Bill drove over to pick up James and a couple of his friends for the
night. Bill became James’ good
friend. James learned from Bill and from
his pastor ways other than violence to deal with his problems. James ended up living with another member of
the church, John, and doing labor for Bill, John and the church. He would obtain his room and board from John,
and gain a little bit of money on the side from Bill and the church.
A Personal Welcome From the Church
This story should be
replicated in every church. If every
church in our urban areas had perhaps two people among their congregations who
would be a friend and support for a single homeless person, then our whole
society would change. The homeless would
no longer be outcast, nor strangers in our midst. They would be members of our churches,
participants in our society and our friends.
Very few churches have the resources to have a
shelter. And it is not necessary for
every church to have a food ministry.
But there is one need of the homeless that every urban church can
help—their isolation. The strength of
the church is not our money, nor our political power. Rather, the strength of Christians has always
been their love, their sacrifice and their welcome. If we take these strengths and focus them on
the homeless, then the American urban landscape will change. The church will have a new people. And Christ will be glorified.
I know that Jesus commands and wants us to draw close to those in need. I have been richly rewarded for
friendships that I have had with those in need. We get back more than we give usually. But we need to proceed prayerfully, carefully, learning from the Lord Jesus how to respect the other person. It is a long road of learning and we must do it with HIS wisdom and guidance or we will mess up and then usually blame the homeless person (the victim) and we fail to learn anything.
Powerful message, Steve. It is indeed a personal matter - not a "project" or a "problem". It's a challenging thing to see the image of God in others, especially those not like ourselves - but ultimately this is what we are called to do. Along the way we begin to realize that first and foremost this "other" is a child of God, that humanity in Christ comes first, and only then are we able to both learn from, and help, the other.
This is exactly the right message. None of us can do it all, but we can at the very least reach out to the people we see with our own eyes.
Offering work, if we can, is a great idea, but not always practical. While not every human is a "child of God", they all have the potential to become one. That is the end goal of helping, but we can't justify only helping on condition that they convert, either.
Jeanne- Your help for your neighbor in need, whether in Africa or in Oregon has been an inspiration to many of us.
Unknown- It is true. It is amazing how much we can do for those in need if we see them as equals, and not even considering if they are worth our attention.
Prodigal- Thanks. Of course, we can't always help with work, that depends on our situation. But it is amazing how much we can do for others if we just consider about how to do it. I have hired "sign beggars" to just clean up my backyard or house. At our church facility, we hire almost exclusively the homeless, and our three acre land is well kept. I admit, however, it helps that I know a number of the homeless so I can choose those who would be most faithful to the task.
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